Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Change I can believe in ...

... when the President of the United States says that the USA needs to be the leader in clean energy initiatives, jobs, and technologies because whichever country does so will be the one with the largest influence on global policy, I believe it and agree with it.

Now, can our government make it happen?


Philip H. said...

Government can make it happen - Congress can not. Important distinction.

Genomic Repairman said...

I think the government can make it happen if we replace the people that only espouse these ideas to get re-elected with those who have a genuine interest with seeing these dreams come to fruition. I wouldn't mind seeing congressional term limits so people don't carve out niches and create minor fiefdoms of power. Then maybe we can get some stuff done. We need to take the lead in the energy and technology race it is really only way our country will survive economically.