Friday, July 24, 2009

Scarcity ...

... for the next few weeks my blog posting is probably going to be a bit more sporadic than usual. There are a couple of reasons for it. The first is that I'm going on vacation. Not going to tell anyone where, but this picture I took the last time I was there should serve as a hint:

Caption: Guess where I'm going!

The second is because ... I'm coming up for tenure by the end of the year! This means that I need to get my packet together and sent to my review committee by the middle of September. Obviously, for me it's a big todo, and along with trying to get two papers revised, and another written, I've got to buckle down.

So, keeping my job is pretty important ... at least to me. More important than blogging. So, while I'll probably blow off steam here and there and make a post or two, I will probably be more scarce than present until things settle down.


Tom said...

Thanks! The luck I really need right about now is to get my two papers that are currently in review/revision, to get accepted within the next three months. It'd be nice if the one I'm currently working on also gets a quick review and acceptance. I'm pretty comfortable with where I'm at, but I'd like that last little bit to ease my peace of mind.

microbiologist xx said...

Enjoy your vacation! I have no idea where you are going, but it looks really nice.
I wish you the best of luck getting your tenure packet together. How long will it take before you know the results?

Tom said...

I should know sometime in December. Or so they say. As for where I'm going ... I've talked about this place before. I'll bring back some pics and explain it in more detail when I get back.

Genomic Repairman said...

Enjoy your vacation and good luck on the packet preparation.