Tuesday, June 23, 2009

One leaves, another one arrives ...

... so sent my manuscript out for review today.

Shortly afterwards, a request for the review of a manuscript arrives. Unfortunately, they were not asking me to review my own paper. Heh.

All told, this manuscript took me about 10 weeks from start to finish. If not for the bureaucratic red-tape, it would have taken closer to 7. Not sure if that's a good turn-around time from sitting down to write to getting it to the editors desk. All I know is that my next one needs to go out much quicker than that. But first, time to answer the reviewer comments from my last manuscript, which returned to me almost 4 months after it was sent out. There is no reason a review should take almost twice as long as it takes me to write the whole thing!


Anonymous said...

this is so weird say hi 2 brittney spears big fan lol.

Anonymous said...

this is so weird say hi 2 brittney spears big fan lol.