Monday, March 29, 2010

Smart Cookie

This post isn't as much a rag on Tim Tebow, as it is a brag on Sam Bradford.
According to The Palm Beach Post, Tebow scored a 22 (out of 50) on the Wonderlic test, supposedly a barometer for intelligence. The average for NFL QBs is 24, though expected starters in 2010 averaged out close to 28.5. The last seven Super Bowl winners? They come in at 30.1
Bradford? A 36.


Genomic Repairman said...

I don't really care what Tebow scored, he's not doing my taxes. The guy is just going to chuck a football, maybe his mind shouldn't be straying towards other things like dividends or transubstantiation. All I need Tebow to think is, "Me Tebow. Me toss ball. If me no toss ball, me run with ball." However kudos to Bradford for his great score.

Tom said...

Yeah, but I believe the Wonderlic is supposed to rate quick decision making. IIRC, the questions are all timed and a higher score means quicker thought processing. He's pretty much in the average, it just so happens he was in a class with a few bright QBs. Interestingly, Clausen who is figured to be the 2nd QB picked scored a 23.